VARIOUS PATHOLOGIES (you will find the selected files in your downloads)
NB: The above pages, associated articles and presentations are in their original French version
- Sciatalgies avec dysesthésies chez un patient diabétique in FrenchJ-M Vital - Le Concours Médical - tome 140 - mai 2018
- Lumbar spinal muscles and spinal canal study by MRI three-dimensional reconstruction in adult lumbar spinal stenosis L. Boissière – B. Moal – O. Gille – E. de Roquefeuil – M. Durieux – I. Obeid – V. Dousset – JM. Vital – W. Skalli - oct 2016
- Is it safe to perform lumbar spine surgery on patients over eighty five?
Houssam Bouloussa - Abdulmajeed Alzakri - Soufiane Ghailane - Claudio Vergari - Simon Mazas - Jean-Marc Vital - Pierre Coudert - Olivier Gille
- Spinal surgery in ankylosing spondylitis.Jean-Marc Vital - Louis Boissière - Ibrahim Obeid - Mehdi Boudissa - Elliot Pascal - Khader Hadhri - Olivier Gille
- The lumbosacral plexus : anatomic considerations for minimally invasive retroperitoneal transpsoas approach. Patrick Guerin - Ibrahim Obeid –– Anouar Bourghli – Thibault Masquefa - Stéphane Luc – Olivier Gille - Vincent Pointillart – Jean-Marc Vital - 2012
- Safe working zones using the minimally invasive lateral retroperitoneal transpsoas approach: a morphometric study. Patrick Guerin- Ibrahim Obeid – Olivier Gille – Anouar Bourghli – Stéphane Luc – Vincent Pointillart – Jean Christophe Cursolle – Jean-Marc Vital - 2012
- Incidental durotomy during spine surgery : incidence, management and complications – A retrospective review.Patrick Guerin – Abdelkrim Benchikh El Fegoun – Ibrahim Obeid – Olivier Gille – Luc Lelong – Stephane Luc – Anouar Bourghli – Jean Christophe Cursolle – Vincent Pointillart – Jean Marc Vital – 2011
- Neuroanatomical study of the A11 diencephalospinal pathway in the non-human primate.
Quentin Barraud – Ibrahim Obeid – Incarnation Aubert – Gregory Barriere – Hugues Cantamin – Steve McGuire – Paula Ravenscroft – Gregory Porras – François Tison – Erwan Bezard – Imad Ghorayeb - 2010
- Anatomie fonctionnelle du rachis cervical: actualitésJM Vital - 2001
- An anatomic and dynamic study of the greater occipital nerf (n. Of Arnold). Applications to the treatment of Arnold nevralgiaJM Vital - F Grenier - M Dautheribes - H Baspeyre - B Lavignolle - J Senegas - 1989
- The neurocentral vertebral cartilage: anatomy, physiology and physiopathologyJM Vital - JL Beguiristain - C Algara - B Lavignolle - N Grenier - J Senegas - 1989
-Brèches durales rachidiennes: expérience en orthopédieJM Vital - A Benchikh El Fegoun
- Complications mécaniques peropératoiresI Obeid
- Equilibredu rachis et maladie de ParkinsonJM Vital - N Aurouer - I Obeid - O Gille - M de Sèze - K Bim
- Substituts osseuxJC Cursolle
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