Here are some explanations about spinal pathologies and the solutions proposed by the Spinal Institute (most documents have been edited by the French Spinal Surgery Society: www.sfcr.fr)

(you will find the selected files in your downloads)

- Lumbago

- Lumbar herniated disc

- Lumbar stenosis of the spinal canal or ‘narrow lumbar canal’

- What is Spondylolisthesis ?

- Lumbar herniated disc intervention

- Lumbar stenosis of the spinal canal intervention

- Spondylolisthesis intervention (posterior)

- Posterior arthrodesis

- Anterior arthrodesis for lumbago

- Pre-operative explanation letter


Likewise, here are information sheets prepared by our Departmental Physiotherapists:

- Your corset and you: practical advice

- Herniated disc, after surgery?

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