Institut de la Colonne Vertébrale
   CHU Pellegrin  -  7 ème étage
   Place Amélie Raba Léon
   33076  Bordeaux Cedex

   Communication Officer: Miss Myriam TOGBA
   tél: 0033 556 93 86 67
   fax: 0033 556 79 60 43

From the airport to Pellegrin Hospital:


By bus :take ‘Liane’ 1: from the airport at the stop marked ‘Lycées de Mérignac’

Get off the bus, then take Tram A: from ‘Lycées de Mérignac’ to the stop marked ‘Hôpital Pellegrin’

From the train station to Pellegrin Hospital:


By tram:take TRAM C: from ‘Gare St Jean’ to the stop marked ‘Porte de Bourgogne’

Get off the tram and transfer to TRAM A : from ‘Porte de Bourgogne’ to the stop marked ‘Hôpital Pellegrin’

From the ring road (ROCADE in French):


Take exit 12 direction ‘Bordeaux – Mérignac’

Go straight ahead for about 3 miles on:

‘Avenue du Souvenir’

‘Avenue François Mitterrand’

‘Rue de la Pelouse de Douet’

Turn right into:

‘Place Amelie Raba Léon’ – ‘Hôpital Pellegrin’

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: One Day spinal surgery  on Hospitalo-Universitary Center of Bordeaux TV Channel

:: One Day  surgery of  cervical herniation with prosthesis: Circuit of a patient

Rubric‘’patients / infos-videos’’

14th Spinal Surgery Symposium
Course & workshop
1, 2, 3 april 2015
