The Spinal Institute (‘Institut de la colonne vertebrale’ or ICV in French) is a non-
Spinal Unit 1 is a centre of excellence at Victor Segalen University (also known as the ‘CHU’) in Bordeaux. The service specialises in spinal surgery of all forms, going from minor-
The association was created for the purpose of education and research, to bring together all spinal surgical treatment methodologies.
Two types of training programmes are offered:
From the point of view of research, the Spinal Institute helps sponsor scientific studies completed within the department; it also participates in anatomical research work carried out by departmental staff or visitors.
Likewise, the institute opens its doors to foreign surgeons who wish to train in spinal surgery, by proposing diverse bibliographical references which allows them to deepen their theoretical knowledge. They can also practice by working on cadavers in the anatomy laboratory at Victor Segalen University.
Since the year 2000, six years following its creation, the education and research objectives have taken a more structured shape, with two training programmes.
The first concerns vertebral column pathologies and is aimed at doctors. Being a theoretical course, the training fine tunes spinal pathologies diagnostic skills and focuses on technical advances in surgical management.
The second is a Superior course focusing on the practice of spinal surgery, which is more specifically orientated towards orthopaedic surgeons and neurosurgeons. This course consists of one day of theory, a second day of practical work and a third day of ‘live’ surgery.
Since the year 2000, these two training courses have taken place once each year in the Bordeaux region.
The association runs thanks to the donations of various partners interested in vertebral column pathology, in particular pharmaceutical and medical implant companies.
The President of the Institute
Ibrahim OBEID
Mr Le Dr Ibrahim OBEID
Mr Le Pr Jean-
Mr Le Pr Olivier GILLE
Mme Corinne VITAL
Last update: 22 janvier 2015
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